La grande bellezza. Ora la giovinezza: o la vecchiezza?

di Giuseppe Campagnoli Giuseppe-Campagnoli


In attesa di dire qualcosa sul film di Sorrentino in esame a Cannes, riproponiamo il testo delle nostre impressioni sul film che prese l’Oscar.


La grande bruttezza

Aleggiano  perversamente la Dolce Vita e il Piccolo Diavolo. Fellini senza la novità e senza i tempi di Fellini. Nanni Moretti e l’Armata Brancaleone. Cento scene di commedia all’italiana impapocchiate qua e là. Un guazzabuglio di esasperati ed esagerati stereotipi italici. Inquietanti suore e prelati che danzano e si dondolano mentre nella mente emerge l’eco de “Todo Cambia” Una grande bouffe di falsa turistica romanità e banale melanconica forzata joie de vivre. Irriverenti inconsapevoli e inopportune citazioni al genio di Pasolini sottotraccia. Un Oscar (vero riconoscimento ai meriti cinematografici domestici ed esotici o grande bluff del mercato e dei media?) elemosinato ai sudditi dell’impero hollywoodiano per la loro imperitura  tragicomica italianità? Gli attori noti e meno noti sembrano passare da un film all’altro con la loro imperturbabile immodificata grottesca maschera per tutti i sentimenti e tutte le stagioni. Dov’è il talento? Non sarà che restano solo i monumenti che invecchiano e una città morente? E’ un film, a mio avviso, fatto solo di punti interrogativi ma non di esclamazioni.

Giuseppe  Campagnoli

The great ugly

There is a distorted sense of  Fellini’s “Dolce Vita” and Benigni’s “The little devil” in the air.Fellini without innovation and without Fellini’s times. Nanni Moretti and the “Armata Brancaleone” We are watching a million sceneries of italian comedy bungled here and there and a hotchpotch of  extremes and excessives  italian clichés. Disquieting sisters and prelates dancing and swinging. In our mind the music of “Todo Cambia” and “une grande bouffe” of  ridiculous Roman spirit of “joie de vivre”! We observe also irreverent mentions to Pasolini.Why the Oscar? It’s the award dedicated only to the american motions or to the global show business?   The prize to italian movie is only to give alms  for an  American Empire’s subject  by virtue of  eternal but wrong tragicomic  Italian character? Italian actors of “The Great Beauty” are going  from a film to the other but their grotesque mask don’t change as if  Italy were a mummified country.Where is the talent? There are only  deteriorating aged monuments and great dying city? In my opinion the film is an interrogative movie not exclamatory!

Giuseppe  Campagnoli

Aggiornamenti. Anche l’Europa ha dato soldi alla produzione del film!

La commissaire européenne Androulla Vassiliou a félicité le réalisateur-scénariste italien Paolo Sorrentino, dont la comédie dramatique La Grande Bellezza (La grande beauté), produite avec le soutien du programme MEDIA, a remporté l’Oscar du meilleur film en langue étrangère lors de la 86e cérémonie des Oscars qui s’est déroulée à Hollywood. Ce film, qui met en vedette Toni Servillo dans le rôle d’un mondain de 65 ans se lançant dans une réflexion sur sa propre existence à Rome, a bénéficié d’un soutien de plus de 300 000 euros dans le cadre du programme MEDIA de l’Union européenne, pour la production et la distribution cinématographiques. Au total, sept films cofinancés par MEDIA ont été nommés aux Oscars, dans six catégories.

Fantastico! Vassiliou congratulates Sorrentino after La Grande Bellezza scoops Oscar

European Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou has congratulated Italian director-screenwriter Paolo Sorrentino whose MEDIA-backed epic La Grande Bellezza (The Great Beauty) won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film at last night’s 86th Academy Awards in Hollywood. The movie, staring Toni Servillo as a 65-year-old socialite reflecting on his life in Rome, has received more than €300 000 to date from the European Union’s MEDIA programme for film development and distribution. In total, seven MEDIA-backed titles were nominated for Oscars in six categories.

Writing on Twitter this morning, Commissioner Vassiliou commented: “It gave me great pleasure to hand over the best European Film Award to the Great Beauty by Sorrentino last December. Now I am thrilled that it received the Oscar as well for the best foreign film. Fantastico!”.

La Grande Bellezza, which premiered at the 2013 Cannes Film Festival, is an Italian (Medusa Film, Indigo Film) and French (Babe Film) co-production. As well as winning four prizes at the European Film Awards in Berlin last December (best film, director, actor, editor), it has also won the best foreign film category at the Golden Globes and the British Academy Film Awards (BAFTAs).
